TransferTalk  /  March 28, 2025

Special edition of TransferTalk for the "Tag der Raumfahrt"

TransferTalk is an online format which provides you with concise information on our research and development. It is furthermore a platform for exchange with experts from science and industry. We would like to bring together your practical experience and questions with our research knowledge. 

A special edition of our TransferTalk is planned for the "Tag der Raumfahrt" (engl. German Space Day). Two experts will give you an insight into the work of the Fraunhofer IST in the field of space research.

Leben auf dem Mond 

(engl. Life on the Moon)

The moon as a new home? What sounds like science fiction could soon become reality. But how do people survive in this hostile environment? Where does the air we breathe, the houses we live in, the energy we need for warmth come from? And why do we want to go there at all? Dr. Andreas Dietz answers these and many other exciting questions in his lecture.

Unsichtbare Helfer: Wie High-Tech-Beschichtungen unsere Sicht ins All und auf die Erde verändern 

(engl. Invisible helpers: How high-tech coatings are changing our view of space and the Earth)

How do we detect distant planets? How can we study the atmosphere of Mars? How can we observe the Earth from space? One answer lies in tiny but extremely powerful optical filters. Their high-tech coatings separate light into different wavelengths, enabling amazing investigations – from environmental monitoring on Earth to space exploration. Whether it's observing Earth's vegetation in the "Rainbow" project or NASA missions to Mars, Dr. Michael Vergöhl shows how unassuming technologies are revolutionising our view of the universe.


After the lectures, you will have the opportunity to talk directly to our scientists and discuss your questions.



Friday, March 28, 2025

2.00 - 2.10 pm

Welcome and introduction of the Fraunhofer IST

2.10 - 2.35 pm


Leben auf dem Mond 

(engl. Life on the Moon)

Dr. Andreas Dietz 

2.35 - 3.00 pm

Unsichtbare Helfer: Wie High-Tech-Beschichtungen unsere Sicht ins All und auf die Erde verändern 

(engl. Invisible helpers: How high-tech coatings are changing our view of space and the Earth)

Dr. Michael Vergöhl

3.00 - 3.15 pm

Talk und Networking: The speakers will be available to exchange ideas with you in two online rooms.