Newsletter of the Fraunhofer IST

Dear Readers,

our newletter provides you with information about new research results and projects, our activities at trade shows and events, as well as planned presentation at conferences about selected topics in the field of surface technology and thin films. If you would like to receive our newsletter regularly by email, simply subscribe to it via the accompanying link ”registration”.

Enjoy the reading.

The Editorial Team

Newsletter archive

Always up-to-date


Please note that our research results, which you know from previous newsletters, may have been updated.


Issue 2/2024


Issue 1/2024


Season´s Greetings from the Fraunhofer IST


Issue 4/2023


Issue 3/2023


Issue 2/2023


Issue 1/2023


Season´s Greetings from the Fraunhofer IST


Issue 4/2022


Issue 3/2022


Issue 2/2022


Issue 1/2022


Season´s Greetings from the Fraunhofer IST


Issue 3/2021


Issue 2/2021


Issue 1/2021


Season´s Greetings from the Fraunhofer IST


Issue 3/2020


Issue 2/2020


Issue 1/2020


Issue 4/2019


Issue 3/2019


Issue 2/2019


Issue 1/2019


Issue 2/2018


Issue 1/2018



Experts of the Fraunhofer IST explain fundamentals and specialized questions, among other things from the field of thin film technology:



Here you will find the research articles from previous Newletter issues: