Dear reader,
A new street name, the groundbreaking ceremony for a new research building, and new developments from the field of research: In this Newsletter, we once again provide you with information on current topics from the Fraunhofer IST. Find out, for example, how customized optical measurement technology can improve the monitoring of production, or how process chains for the manufacture of resilient and smart tools can be configured.
Furthermore, not one but two new articles can be found in our “In portrait” section. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Krinke explains how his work at the Fraunhofer IST provides a contribution towards greater sustainability and climate neutrality for our customers. In the second video, Friederike Henze and Denis Suris report on their training as physics laboratory assistants at the Fraunhofer IST.
Finally, we would like to draw your attention to our Annual Report 2022, in which you will find further articles concerning the research activities of the Fraunhofer IST and their outcomes.
We hope that you enjoy reading this Newsletter, and we wish you a very pleasant summer.
The Editorial Team