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68th Annual SVC Technical Conference

The SVC Technical Conference, one of the most important conferences in the field of coatings, thin films and surface technology, is taking place for the 68th time. From May 19 – 22, 2025, the event will once again open its doors in Nashville to researchers, industry representatives, decision-makers and newcomers, creating a space for the exchange of ideas on the importance of coating and surface technology in products and services in our daily lives, but also on the influence of artificial intelligence on the industry. This year, the Fraunhofer IST is represented at a joint booth together with the Fraunhofer IWS and FEP as well as Fraunhofer USA. The Fraunhofer IST contributes to the SVC program with its expertise in the fields of “Optical Systems and Applications” and “Diamond-Based Systems and CleanTech”.
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Workshop, certification course: Expertise for your transition to hydrogen

Why do we need hydrogen? The answer is simple: For a climate-neutral economy. Wherever direct electrification is not possible, hydrogen can replace fossil fuels - directly or in bonded form for example as powerfuel Where can I get hydrogen and how can I use it? Green hydrogen is produced by splitting water with the help of renewable energies. In our program, you will learn how to produce, transport and use green hydrogen. In the process we share with you the latest research knowledge from the Fraunhofer IST and show you how hydrogen is already being used by our associate companies. You will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with scientists and entrepreneurs, but you will also get an introduction to the components of tomorrow's hydrogen economy. You don't need any prior knowledge. We will start from where you are now. We look forward to meeting you!
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Circularity Days 2024

This year, the focus of the Future Automotive Production Conference lies on Circular Economy and and Sustainable Materials. The topics of the conference include Production & Processes, Resource Efficiency through Digitalisation & Automation, and Materials & Applications.
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67th SVC Technical Conference

This year marks the 67th edition of SVC TechCon. The conference has both a technical program and an educational program and thus offers participants a comprehensive insight into vacuum coating technologies. The Fraunhofer IST is participating in the scientific program with contributions in the scientific and education program.
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SPIE Optical Systems Design

SPIE Optical Systems Design is an interdisciplinary forum for technicians, engineers, researchers, and managers who are involved in instrumental optics at all levels: design, specification, production, and testing. It will be co-located with SPIE Photonics Europe in Strasbourg. The event provides insights into new research findings trough more than a hundred of international presentations. World-class speakers in the filed are sharing their research and vision of the future. Furthermore, the participants can connect with colleagues and engage with leading companies by attending technical and networking events as well as exhibitions. The Fraunhofer IST is participating in the event with a presentation.
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Batterieforum Deutschland 2024

The Batterieforum Deutschland provides a platform for battery research and development in Germany, because battery research and production - contrary to what is often assumed - does not only take place in Asia and the USA. With the support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Kompetenznetzwerk Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (KLiB) (engl. competence network for lithium-ion batteries) is organizing the Batterieforum Deutschland. The aim of the congress is to promote an interdisciplinary and cross-industry scientific and technical dialog. Through this dialog, scientists from various research institutions and industry will come together to discuss various key topics and develop a common understanding of batteries. This systemic approach enables a deeper understanding and promotes interdisciplinary exchange. Fraunhofer IST is represented by Svenja Weber and Kira Patzke who present their research results.
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TACT 2023

At TACT 2023 our HIPIMS expert Dr. Ralf Bandorf will give an invited talk on ”Industrial Scale Reactive HIPIMS - Applications and Active Process Control”.
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International Battery Production Conference 2023

The global demand for electrochemical energy storage devices is at an all-time high and is expected to increase dynamically. The production process from battery materials to battery systems is of great importance with regard to both environmental and cost targets. Since 2018, the International Battery Production Conference is dedicated to production related topics including recycling, circular economy and Supply Chains fostering the transition of the mobility system.
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AEPSE 2023

The 13th AEPSE conference focusses on plasma physics, plamsa chemistry and their applications. It will also cover topics such as films and coatings, green energy and life science. Prof. Dr. Michael Thomas has been invited to give a lecture on ”Development and integration of microplasma souces in additive manufacturing processes – application and perspectives”.
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Perovskite silicon tandem solar cells

The Fraunhofer Gesellschaft tackles the current challenges of the German industry. With lighthouse projects, we set strategic priorities in order to develop concrete solutions for the benefit of Germany as a business location. The aim is to quickly convert original scientific ideas into marketable products. In the Fraunhofer lighthouse project "MaNiTU”, six Fraunhofer institutes have been working closely together since 2019 to develop the solar cells of the future. With a planned industrial workshop, we want to involve our industrial partners in the project at an early stage, in order to cover the needs of industry with the bundled competencies of the Fraunhofer institutes involved.
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The V-Conference is the meeting place for the vacuum, plasma and coating industry. Speakers and exhibitors from industry and science present the latest developments and innovations in the industry to the trade audience. The Fraunhofer IST is represented as a scientific partner of the event with the following contributions.
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The EU PVSEC is the largest international conference for photovoltaics in the areas of research, technologies and applications with an accompanying industrial exhibition, in which representatives of the photovoltaic industry present their technologies, innovations and new concepts. This year the EU PVSEC will again be held online. Dr. Volker Sittinger, head of the Department Diamond-based Systems and CleanTech at the Fraunhofer IST will contribute with a poster presentation.
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The international Expo and Conference for the hydrogen and fuel cell industries provides an extensive overview for relevant international markets and industries as well as technological advancements. hy-fcell consists of an english speaking conference with interactive plenaries and workshops, and an international trade fair. Professor Sabrina Zellmer is participating in the conference with a presentation on ”Dismantling and Recycling Strategies for Fuel Cells”.
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LCM 2023

The LCM (Life Cycle Management) conference series is one of the world’s leading forums for environmental, economic and social sustainability. The focus is on practical solutions for the implementation of life cycle approaches into strategic and operational decision-making, whether in science, industry, NGOs or public bodies. Demonstrations of LCM, whether at the stage of methodology development, tools and methods experimentation, or LCM-driven success stories as market innovations, are expected at the LCM2023 conference. The objective is to discuss and advance the implementation of life cycle approaches along the businesses value chains, supporting environmental, social and economic sustainability. Experts from the Fraunhofer IST in the fields of process and production engineering for sustainable energy storage as well as sustainability management and life cycle engineering will contribute to the conference to present their current results to the LCM community.
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REWIMET Symposium 2023

The symposium offers insights into the latest research results on climate-friendly resource management and a platform to discuss the challenges with experts. Our deputy institute director and expert in process and production engineering for sustainable energy storage Professor Sabrina Zellmer is participating in the program of the symposium with a lecture.
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The world's leading trade fair for components, systems and applications LASER is taking place for the 26th time. The Fraunhofer IST will be presenting its self-developed software MOCCA+®, which takes over the automatic control of plants and thus facilitates production.
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HIPIMS Conference 2023

This year's International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS 2023 will take place in Venlo, Netherlands. Together with Sheffield Hallam University the Fraunhofer IST as a scientific partner is organizing this conference on the topic of High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering. Results in the field of innovative plasma surface technology will be discussed at the conference.
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10th NRW Nano Conference

The Fraunhofer IST is participating in the technical exhibition and with a contribution to the scientific program of the 10th NRW Nano Conference. Tristan Brückner will present a poster on "Self-Organizing Ti-Si-B-C-N Nanocomposite Coatings for Wear Reduction".
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CIRP Design Conference

This year, the CIRP Design Conference will take place in Sydney. The conference offers its participants an international forum for researchers to exchange and discuss visions, the state of the art and innovations, the latest developments and perspectives and thus make a significant contribution to accelerating product development. Prof. Dr. Stephan Krinke, Chief Scientist for Sustainability and Life Cycle Management at the Fraunhofer IST is keynote speaker on the topic ”Life cycle engineering and decarbonization along the value-chain”.
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66th SVC Technical Conference

This year marks the 66th edition of SVC TechCon. The conference has both a technical program and an educational program and thus offers participants a comprehensive insight into vacuum coating technologies. The Fraunhofer IST is participating in the scientific program with numerous contributions and at the associated technical exhibition.
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The 11th International Conference on Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition (HWCVD) will take place this year at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The newest applications, developments and research results of Hot-Wire CVD, Catalytic CVD, and iCVD will be presented. The Fraunhofer IST is participating in the conference programme with several presentations.
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Hannover Messe 2023

The Fraunhofer IST is participating at this year's Hannover Messe with the latest development results on sustainable process chains for the processing of materials and on thin-film sensor technology for condition monitoring. The trade show's central theme is ”Industrial Transformation - Making the Difference” and will showcase the potential of the industry.
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