Nanomaterials are considered to be a pathway towards the implementation of renewable energy technologies – from energy generation through to energy storage. In recent years, this has propelled many research activities concerning novel nanomaterials which can serve as elementary building blocks for such systems. Many challenges arise when constructing building elements from nanomaterials, particularly in the manufacture of these nanomaterials and in their modification, functionalization and stabilization.
Depending on the requirement profile and technical requirements, metal oxide films are designed, developed and optimized for your application. The extensive range of ALD process variants at the Fraunhofer IST enables rapid target- and customer-oriented implementation of layer and process development for a wide variety of substrate materials, geometries and dosage forms. The Fraunhofer IST hereby also has the equipment technology and process expertise for combinations of PVD and CVD coatings at its disposal.
In addition to atomic layer deposition for material and process development, the Fraunhofer IST also provides you with support in energy storage development and process engineering as well as for the associated factory systems and life cycle management.