Final conference  /  October 22, 2024  -  October 23, 2024

AquaticPollutants Final Conference: For a healthy aquatic environment

ERA-Net Cofund AquaticPollutants is an EU co-funded project of the three European Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) Water, Oceans and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), which investigates trace contaminants, pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria in the water and their impact on human health. The project thus addresses a current and highly relevant problem: the contamination of water sources by pollutants. These pollutants can come, for example, from antibiotics, consumer goods, urban areas or agriculture. Thus, the project aims to promote research and innovation in order to solve this problem.

The final conference of the ERA-Net Cofund AquaticPollutants project offers 18 funded research projects a platform to present their results in the field of “trace contaminants, pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria in the water cycle - from source to mouth - and their impact on human health”.

Dr. Jan Gäbler from the Fraunhofer IST will be presenting the results of the SERPIC project as part of the final conference. SERPIC is working on the use of clear water from wastewater treatment plants as an additional water resource for irrigation. The aim is to reduce micropollutants by using a fourth treatment step for wastewater treatment plants. Nanofilters create a pollutant-free permeate stream which, following disinfection with chlorine dioxide, is to be used for irrigation. The concentrate stream contains the pollutants, which are degraded by means of UV-stimulated electrochemical oxidation. The oxidants are created with high efficiency in electrolyzers with the aid of diamond electrodes. A prototype plant in Ciudad Real verifies the irrigation suitability of the purified water in test fields.


Wednesday, Oktober 23, 2024, 10:00 AM

SERPIC: Sustainable Electrochemical Reduction of contaminants of emerging concern and Pathogens in WWTP effluent for Irrigation of Crops

Dr. Jan Gäbler